Volunteer Fair 2023
The Ozaukee Nonprofit Center is excited to announce our upcoming Volunteer Fair in partnership with the Future Leaders of Ozaukee Series!
We are inviting our local nonprofits to participate and join us in our 2023 Volunteer Fair. With a mission of sustaining a collaborative network of nonprofits, in support of their mission for creating a stronger community, we know how important volunteers are. To help support our nonprofit community, we hope to raise awareness of available volunteer opportunities for each nonprofit agency who participates.
We invite all area nonprofits to apply and fill out the table registration form to participate in our 2023 Volunteer Fair on December 6th, 2023. We believe this is a great opportunity to network, gain exposure, and share your mission with prospective volunteers, donors, and board members. We ask that all organizations interested in participating complete and return the table registration form by November 6, 2023.
Event Details
Date: December 6, 2023
Time: 7:30 – 9:30 AM
Location: Ozaukee Nonprofit Center, 2360 Dakota Drive, Grafton WI 53024
Our Participating Nonprofits
We look forward to our local nonprofit organizations who are just waiting to talk with you about how you can strengthen our community by volunteering this year in 2023!
Our Participating Nonprofits:
Interfaith Caregivers of Ozaukee
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ozaukee County
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Luxembourg American Cultural Society & Center
Family Promise of Ozaukee County
The Adult Literacy Center of Ozaukee County
Port Washington Saukville Arts Council
Lake Michigan Bird Observatory
Cedarburg Community Scholarship Fund