Join us on May 18, 2021 at 12:00pm (noon) for our upcoming Lunch & Learn (Virtual) – Planned Giving 101.

It can often be a challenge to meet annual fundraising budgets, never mind considering a long-term approach to raising funds. However, it is vitally important for the fiscal health of an organization to factor in planned giving, or legacy giving, to their fundraising strategy. Planned giving allows the non-profit to simultaneously cultivate and steward donors to support your mission annually while helping them think about the future stability of the organization they have supported during their lifetime. You don’t need to be an attorney or tax advisor to (although they should be consulted!) to implement a simple planned giving program at your organization. Sally Lyne of Line By Lyne Consulting, LLC will discuss a few easy ways to incorporate legacy gifts into your development plan..

A zoom link will be provided after registration.




Speaker Bio : Sally Lyne has nearly twenty years’ experience as a successful fund development professional. Five years ago, she left her position as Vice President of Development and Communications at Jewish Family Services to provide guidance to non-profit clients to strengthen their fund raising strategy and messaging, including donor solicitations and stewardship, grant writing, direct mail appeals, and endowment and legacy gifts.